RADA trained Michael Armstrong who acts in the film as a breast obsessed cop and wrote the film under demonic alter ego 'Edward Hyde', is most familiar to exploitation fans for the much banned Mark of the Devil as well as the autobiographical Eskimo Nell. This version entitled 'Her Family Jewels' dubiously resurfaced in the UK years later under the premise that semi-famous British thesps (Dianne Keen, Christopher Biggins) had once appeared in an X-rated movie. As two policemen attempt to track him down-offering plenty of raunchy commentary along the way-THE SEX THIEF delivers one funny punch line after another. He is a criminal by choice, not by necessity. This Brit Comedy stars David Warbeck as a masked thief whose dalliance with crime has more to do with fun and passion than robbery. Reviewed by thewholebrevitything 7 / 10 Good fun movie